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Teaching Stanislavsky Online: David Shirley

Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia

‘A Slice of Zoom Life: Uta Hagen’s Object Exercises in the COVID Era’

Seminar Details


A webinar brought to you by the Stanislavsky Research Centre, co-hosted by the School of Performing Arts of the University of Malta and the School of Performance and Cultural Industries of the University of Leeds.  


Date: 4 November, 2020


‘A Slice of Zoom Life: Uta Hagen’s Object Exercises in the COVID Era’
Prof. David Shirley, Executive Director, Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia


Following a brief contextual overview of the aims and purpose of Hagen’s training techniques, this presentation will reflect on the advantages and challenges encountered during the delivery of a series of classes to first year actors at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA) during April-June 2020. How do notions of authenticity change in this context and how important is the role of the actor’s imagination in this reconfigured approach to practical training. 

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